Monday, September 25, 2006

Ramadhan is here again.......

Alhamdulillah, we are given the opportunity to perform our ibadah in the month of Ramadhan again. Other than trying harder in my efforts to be a better muslimah, top on my priority list this Ramadhan will be cutting down on purchase of food for the breaking of fast.

mama: Tahun ni mama tak nak membazir macam selalu lah! Mama nak beli just enough food for everyone. Beli 3 keping kueh and I'll cut them for us to share...

Ikram: Aren't the kueh already cut when you purchase them?

mama: Yes, and I'm going to cut them further into even smaller pieces!!!!..

Everybody at the dinner table looked at me in disbelief.

On Saturday, my mother called to inform me that my grandmother suffered a stroke. That it eventually came was not quite a surprise since my grandmother is already 98 years old. After the first sahur, we drove back to Kuala Pilah to pay my grandmother a visit.

She of course cried when she saw us, especially after setting her eyes on Tasya. Even with half her body hardly functioning, she still remembered not meeting Tasya for so long since my daughter had been away studying in London.

I pray that whatever days left in her life will be easy for her, and that she will not lose her dignity. We know how it is with stroke patient when she would require assistance even in her private moment.

We left Kuala Pilah the same day at 2pm and decided to check out the Pasar Ramadhan at Jalan Melang. It was the first day of the fasting month but the Pasar was already a hive of festivity. I saw lots and lots of food cooked in Negeri Sembilan way. Tasya and I walked around the rows and rows of Ramadhan hawkers and went back to our waiting car with:

1. Gulai tempoyak daun kayu
2.kerabu daun pengaga
3.Daging salai masak lemak campur belimbing buloh
5.Gulai sayur maman
6.masak lemak ikan masin dengan nenas
8.Acar limau jeruk

All these are sold for RM2.00 per serving.

9. Ayam percik at RM1.80 per stick. Try buying the same at Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, I saw on TV last night that it would cost you RM5.80 each at the Pasar Ramadhan here.

10. Rendang ayam dengan daun puding. Tasted just like my mother's.

Lepas tu papa menambah lagi dengan:

2.Gulai sotong
3.Ayam masak madu.

My main intention of trodding down the Pasar Ramadhan in Jalan Melang was to go and get my 2 favourite N.Sembilan traditional kuih:

The Buah Sepang a.k.a Badak Berendam which I purchased from 2 different makciks.

Another all time favourite is the Kuih cucur (second plate from left) which is made of tepong beras and gula anau. It's difficult to prepare in your own kitchen but cheaply sold during Ramadhan at RM1.00 for 3pcs.

The rest in the picture are good old cucur pisang, toothless delight, buah melaka, cucur badak, and agar2 santan with gula melaka.

At only 2pm, and another 2hours of journey back to KL, I've already bought 2 jugs of icy watermelon juice:

Ikram: Whatever happened to your cost cutting measures, mama?

mama:Today is different, I bought the food so cheap but delicious, besides I wanted to help the Ramadhan traders in my kampong!!!!...

ye ke??


(disclaimer: Food arrangement and the use of carca-marba utensil is courtesy of my made-in-Indon maid. Any fatal flaws against the acceptable etiquette is not the responsibility of mama-irma).


hjghaz said...

My pahala puasa today dah discounted...thks to your photos!!!.

mama irma said...

You will definitely terliur if you are a fan of N.Sembilan food. They taste soooo good and authentic, cooked by the kampong people who may not know yet about profiteering..

Kak Teh said...

this is just wicked, Plain wicked. Itis 11.51 in London and hours to go before berbuka and i am drooling overthe pix. I went to a pasar ramadan once, nak beli kesemuanya. Nak makan kesemuanya! selamat berbuka.

Mama Rock said...

mama irma, tak kira la carca-merba ke but everything looks so yummy! think i will go back to seremban this weekend and cari the daging salai..mmmmmm sedapnya!

mama irma said...

Kak Teh,
Memang kena ada control system yang kental apabila menghadapi Pasar Ramadhan, especially ones in the kampong. The traders cooked as if the food is for their own consumption, itu sebab sedap!!!

mama irma said...

mama rock,
Di Seremban pun banyak juga Pasar Ramadhan, I saw a huge one at Ampangan. Yes, daging salai dengan bacang muda masak lemak cili api....

Unknown said...

so much for cutting cost, huh? But all those delicous dishes.........

Mat Salo said...

Aiyo.. not only pahala severely curtailed or batal altogether like the good aji said.. Kak, those photos were pure 'torture'... like KT, I'm oso obersea, plus from noghogi summore... brought up on my grandma's masak gulai lomak kuning (only ayam kampuang!) cili api! Good genes u got since yr nenek still arnd... btw I'm fm 'langgiang' but my best buddy is fm Juasseh & old-flame fm Ghombang Paneh, so I'm very familiar lah! Selamat Berpuasa!

mama irma said...

Still nowhere near executing the cost cutting measures!!

Sori lah yo, Tak dapek akak nak nolong eh!