Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Home Alone 3

I'm so gonna be home alone with the cats tonight!

Reason: Everybody is going to the Stadium to watch star-studded Chelsea thrashing the Malaysian National Soccer team tonight.

Enjoy yourselves comrades (read: RM103 X 4, of daddytime)!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Suddenly we discovered that Puts, our eldest cat, developed bald patches on both sides of his lateral hinds.

Alarmed, we took him to his vet not without growling protests. Dilla had to be at the backseat of the CRV to pacify him.

MEeow.....ya Puts.
MeEOoww....yes Puts...
MEeOoww.....It's OK, Puts...

WE understood Puts' protest when the Vet inserted the thermometer in his bottom as a matter of routine procedure upon entering the treatment room.
(How could that guy bear it when he claimed 'it' was inserted 8 times in his bottom?), never mind.

The good Vet told us not to worry as the balding patch is a sign of stress.
We were stressed ourselves when we paid the consultancy charges for nothing but told to go home and make Puts feel like a prince to prevent him from further stress.

Ha? Puts??? Betoi ka hang stress?

Yang nak retire next month and probably end up jobless IS Papa!
Yang kena adjust to new life in Sydney IS Kak Sya!
Yang menggigil tunggu result MICPA IS Kak Dilla!
Yang takut kena strangle incase his A level exam result is a gonner IS Ikram!
Yang asyik kena kawad Kadet di sekolah IS Imran!
Yang memerhati Index BSKL IS Mama!!!!!

Yang hang pulak tak pasai2 stress tu, kenapa?

Stay cool, darling, you don't require petrol to walk in the garden!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

pantun BSKL

Hendak gugur, gugurlah nangka,
Jangan menimpa sibatang pauh,
Hendak jatuh, jatuhlah Bursa,
Jangan lagi bertangguh tangguh.....

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sked to death.

I had the chance to chat up with Ikram over the weekend.

I asked how he is feeling now that his A levels exam result will be out in 3weeks.
(yep, I AM counting!)

Ikram : Sked to death.

mama: so, how's life at an F&B business? (referring to his sandwich-making parttime job at O'Briens)

Ikram: getting on fine. I enjoyed the good company of my fellow part-timers.

Ikram told me that the other day a senior staff asked about his future plans.
Ikram informed him that if his result is excellent, he will continue to work until February when the intake into the Medical College starts.

Senior: If your result is no good??

Ikram: then, you look up on the front page of the newspaper, if you see 'Ibubapa membunuh anaknya',....that will be ME!


Friday, July 18, 2008

'Kegatalan yang melampau?'

I like this guy.
He wrote exactly what I currently hold in view,
Let me share with anyone and especially as a temporary reminder to self during this challenging times, the wise words courtesy of Bursa Trading Ideas.

Should I Bargain-Hunt Now?
Posted on Tuesday, July 08 @ 00:21:01 MYT by admin

Must you buy stocks now? Are you looking for quick returns?

If the answer to both the questions above is “No”, you should just sit tight and let the market take its course right up to December. It is not a question of buying and then risking a loss; it’s a question of whether you could get a better bargain later in the year.

Analysts have many research reports to share with you, especially during these hard times. They have all the numbers to justify their claim. Just let them do what they do best which is crunching out the numbers. As for you as an investor, you must do your very best to let chance work on your side. Sadly, many investors always miss this important rule of thumb.

Unless you are certain the stocks you buy are cheap and are prepared for more declines in price, just stay on the sideline. What is there to lose by being inactive? Of course "none" you say, but the “kegatalan yang melampau” is tempting you to make the move.

As of today, we’ve seen prices that tempt us to use our current fund. Resorts at RM2.50 range, Tanjong at RM12.50 range, YTL Power at RM1.70 range; who could resist it? We are still resisting them but can we make it after forty days and forty nights?

When it comes to withholding, some tell themselves to reserve “bullets”; we just simply call it “fund management”. The saying that human has two problems when it comes to money is very true. “Problems when money is insufficient and problems when there’s too much”.

At the end of the day, winnings from investment are only one part of your heritage. Building a great characteristic and right mentality are the ones that would take you through the many cycles of the stock market.


Thank you, I'm staying here, at the sideline.

note to that buddy remisier of mine, please don't care to get intouch even after forty days and forty nights. (wah, begitu jitu semangat ku!!!)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Tough Times, Good Times.

When I decided to close for business on Saturdays, perhaps the most delighted members of my family are Simba and Qeira!!!

Since I'll be at home, they get an additional morning to be in their play pen at the front garden.

Simba and Qeira frolicking on the lawn....

...with my bigger pet, Imran..

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

NO, I don't have All the answers, darling!

Imran asked why are there so many angry people around nowadays.

From his teachers, the lab assistant, the canteen operator, his tutors.....to the man who sweeps the road.
EVERYBODY is complaining.
About harga minyak, about barang barang naik harga.....

Why is the anger, mama?


You may look at it this way:

mama buat nasi lemak,
mama jual nasi lemak,
But if you need my nasi lemak you have to pay for it, regardless of you being my own son.
and you pay at the same price, may be more, than other people who bought it from me.
and the price is not getting lower.

When you protested, I said, it's for the sake of your next generation. I can't be subsidising you anymore.
But at the same time, you do notice that I'm not being prudent in spending whatever amount that I said I could save from squeezing you!

Imran: If I am already angry with you because you made my life so tough, what is the likelihood that I raise my next generation not to be angry with you too, and that their lives will not be as tough?

Thats a tough question, it's easier to prove e=mc2
Do you want to eat nasi lemak? It's free for you, my son, anytime!

Monday, July 07, 2008

The State of Confusion

Imran told me that almost everyone in his Form Four class in the school talked about the sodomy allegation against Former DPM Anwar Ibrahim.

mama: ...and what did they say?

imran:....They think that Anwar Ibrahim is being framed because he is connecting Dato Seri Najib and his wife to the Altantuya murder case!

mama: ..Hey, hey...that's sub judice!!

imran:..what's that?

mama: I'm not sure, everybody clever in the country seems to be saying it, besides the infamous 'Statutory Declaration'. They are like the 'words of the month'!
I'll feel so left out if I don't mention them in my blog!!!!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

'The Power Of Good Food'

Almost every other day, Ikram would return home from College with a brown paperbag of O'Briens sandwich for his dinner.

Now that he has finished his A levels exam and awaiting for his results which is due in August, what better job to do than work at his favourite sandwich bar to while away the time.

Dilla thinks that her brother is going to spend his daily wage by ordering different types of food served at OBriens for himself.

I don't have a clue of what's going to happen to my son on his first day at work as I sent him there at 'The Curve' earlier this morning.

G'luck, mate!