Thursday, January 08, 2009

New Career.

The verdict of last year's sales performance was far from encouraging.
My staff managed to secure only 50% of the previous year's profit.
2008 was indeed a gloomy period for us in the business. What's bad is that 2009 have not shown any promises either, it could be worse!.

I am supposed to manage and direct businesses since, the last I checked, my job title is as a Managing Director.
However it seems that lately I've made sleeping and watching Korean Drama as a career.
My part-time job is sending and picking up my son from school and tuition classes. Networking consists of jamming with my kids on the Rockband2.

Why am I complaining?


faizazmi said...

I love karaokeing! (Tak caya, tanya Dilla!) Can I join?! hehe.

mama irma said...

I scored 100% on 'Duran Duran' songs, can you get better than that??

We train hard to some day beat 'The Razaks'..(who is that?-ask Dilla!)