Thursday, December 03, 2009

Going to visit....

The Taj Mahal!!!

Dilla and I decided that we are going to take our much needed year-end break, and we are heading towards Agra to see for ourselves one of the seven wonders of the world, The Taj Mahal.

We have had a few round-kitchen-table meetings with other members of the family, and 'if-you-don't-agree-with-the-destination,-please-suggest-another!!!' sessions. It looks like everyone will have to tow and brave the journey too, since we have, sort of, run out of place to go for holidays..

Papa is quite annoyed with this last minute decision, however, the kids and I are determined to go somewhere nevertheless. We have been struggling 'like the weeds on the field' throughout this year, and for that, we are giving ourselves a treat by witnessing the epitome of love!.

We'll be back on the new year. May it bring us lots of joy and happiness....


faizazmi said...

happy holiday aunty!

Kak Teh said...

aaah syoknyaaaa!!!

mama irma said...

Thank you, and Happy Holidays to you too....

mama irma said...

Dear Kak Teh,
Memang excited nak tengok Taj Mahal. I watched a Travel Channel about it earlier and the host actually shed tears when she set her eyes on The Taj! Such glory, such symbol of great love.....