Sunday, January 03, 2010

Namashkar, India......

RM20,000.00 question: How was your trip to India?

Dilla: ".........." (blank)
Imran: ".........." (trauma)
Ikram: "I'm never ever going back there, unless it's a matter of life and death!"

Mama: "A splendid opportunity to expose my children to what hardcore poverty really's a university of life."


atenah said...

MI: am going to india next week, hm bercampur baur gak perasaan sbb saya ni tak tahan tengok kesusahan, takut nnt sedih sangat sampai bercucuran air mata di

mama irma said...

which part of India are you going to? We were in Chennai, Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. The overall basic condition is all the same, hardship! Be careful with your food, and drink mineral water only from the bottle.