Thursday, November 24, 2005

The Aftermath of 'Together gather'

The STF74 gathering was a huge success. Betul!!! Not because I was the host, but the warmth and the spirit of friendship that hovered throughout the occassion. It was a peculiar feeling, where status and credentials were cast aside and ALL of us were transformed into giggly remove class girls of 1969!!

Eventhough all of us were educated the same way, in the same environment, the outcome is surprisingly quite varied. In the group, there is a Toh Puan, a Datin, and lots and lots of 'Professors Dr.' so much so that if you throw a currypuff, it would most likely hit someone with that title!

On the other hand, 2 friends who came all the way from the East Coast have dedicated themselves deep into religion. However, still a sport because they do not mind when I went like: Nik, nak tengok muka engkau! When I slide the purdah covering the face, she flashed me a very wide sweet smile,still the same Nik I remember as the school debater of 1973!

The kembar tak siam, Ajam and Mah are still the same cheeky girls, I caught them gossipping about someone's asset at one corner of the house!!!Minon who was lost, arrived sweaty and puffing, bearing 4 BIG containers of very delicious savoury. I'm sorry Minon if I've hurt your feelings in the past, but I still remember how Mrs. Anandan hit you on the head with a sendok and called you 'grumpy pot!!'(you were our class monitor that year!) It was a scandal when later we listed down all the abuses we got from her during the Home Science class and submitted the complaint to the Headmistress. The experience must be very traumatic to most of us and I'm pretty sure that is the contributing factor to our failure to excell in cooking until NOW.I wonder where that 'tight-black-bra-wearing' lady is now, God bless her!

The topics of conversation were of course around family matters, children, place of work etc, I didn't quite get into much discussion as I was busy being a host, making sure there was enough food, drinks and plates for everyone. But I did hear the word 'menopause' being discussed over and over again by various caucus!! Come on people, talk about 'financial instruments' for once, please!!!!!

Rosni from Dubai felt bad about not being able to participate and sent her love through the SMS, and Cik Pah will certainly have enough memories to bring back to Angola, until the next gathering.

Saed the coordinator did a splendid job in getting everyone together and I saw her giving the direction until the very last. Itu lah, orang dah e-mailkan location map, nak bukak e-mail pun tak reti!!!!hei...makcik, makcik!!.....

Anyway, we are supposed to keep our calendar open for July next year, as STF will be celebrating it's 50th anniversary which coincides with our 50th birthdays! (must we be reminded????). Maton asked us:'eh, betul ke aku ni dah nak 50tahun??'..Reality check, Prof, reality check........

Thanks everyone, kalau ada yang terkurang, tersilap, terlepas kata, minta maaf banyak2, Okey?!?....


Anonymous said...

sorry havent been around much lately - balik from malaya - terus jetlag teruk and then very2 busy. anyway, enjoyed yr gathering entry - i always have a get togetehr when i am back - during the last trip four mak ciks who thought they were still in form six, got together at a karaoke lounge till 3 am and scare the birds off the trees!

Anonymous said...

singgah sat: ..smua geng2 akak dh bertitle-title..perghh.....tompang bangga sama...