Monday, February 05, 2007

Congratulations, Dilla!

I must congratulate my daughter Dilla for passing her Module D of the MICPA exam last session.

I knew it was very difficult for her to cope with work and continuing with her professional studies all at the same time, nevertheless, amidst sweat and tears she made it!!!

So, it's back to the grinding stone, so to speak, this March for the Module E.

After which there will still be the Module F!!!

Faster faster finish them all Dilla, so that you can start learning how to cook and do your own laundry, and clean your own room....
I think you need to know at least the basic stuff before you can attend the kursus perkahwinan next!!!!



Kak Teh said...

congratulations, Dilla. You make one Mama very proud indeed!

mama irma said...

Thank you, Kak Teh!