Perhaps because he saw how much fun there is in collecting the monthly rental income from the properties.
He thought that all those rolls of dough is to be spent on whatever he wishes, after all, there will be more coming in the next month!
He has not been exposed to the capital recovery, maintenance costs, tax payable, tenant harassment, etc..
He aspires to be like Donald Trump. He reads some of The Donald's books on my bookshelf.
Imran already has some basic ideas on how to develop my existing land bank.
Yesterday he asked "How do I get money to build real estates, mama?"
I told him that most of my properties are compliments from the stock market.
Imran: How do I get my hands on it, too?
mama: You can start by either trading as an investor, becoming a remisier or a stock broker....
Imran: What's the Bursa Saham thingy?
mama: That's a place where all traded stocks are listed.
Imran: How do I get them into my stock broking firm to enable my clients to sell and buy?
mama: There is this thing called a CDS account.
Imran: What can a CDS account do?
Aaiyo, Imran, go read the book on 'Pasaran Saham Malaysia' at the study room.
Imran: I've read it. Whatever term I don't understand, I looked it up at the glossary, I was confused with even more terms used to explain it in the first place ...
mama: never mind, go take your PMR exam first, then SPM, then A level, then do a degree in perhaps 'Financial Engineering', then only think about making big money on your own!!!..
I was wondering whatever happens to all the easy, frequently asked questions posed by children his age, once upon a time? ...
And why can't they just be happy with a 'Harry Potter' instead? ...
14 years ago, it didn't make any difference whether it was a resort or just a sink full of water!