Wednesday, December 10, 2008

In loving Memory

If my father is still alive, he will be 80 today.

My late father, whilst approaching 70, was a man in a hurry to meet his creator.
I didn't see it then but I realise it now.

Once my hubby wore a brand new sandal with reflexology function on its sole which Pak took a liking to. He said that he would like to have one. Hubby promised he'd get one for him, but, Pak said he may not be able to try it on if he was to wait until later. So, hubby gave away his sandal to Pak and went back home in a pair of rubber slipper instead.

He was constantly nagging my brother Amir, who lived and worked in Perlis to come down and live somewhere nearer, 'incase I die, you can come and visit me earlier' he said.
To Pak's delight, Amir and his family did just that as soon as they got the opportunity to do so.

At age 69, he had a minor health problem and was hospitalised.
His days in the hospital ward were always crowded with children, grandchildren and relatives. Despite his pain and discomfort,he was so happy and told us it was like a time for a huge family gettogether.

A day before he was to undergo surgery, he requested another brother, Hisham, to bring a barber to the hospital ward. He said he needed a haircut. I felt strange then, but Hisham, bless his soul, relented. An act he was to remember with no regret as my father passed away the next day without recovering post-surgery.

I was of course consumed with misery and sorrow of Pak's unexpected demise, when on the 100th day of his passing on, he came in my dream to tell me not to be so sad as he was at a better place now. He held my hand and gave me a tour of his spacious red earth abode with a beautiful garden, and helpers in green robes offering me juice to drink.
I asked if there's anyone who would be envious of the way he is going about, he said (and I still remember them):
"Here, you'll only get what you've asked for in your lifetime".

Reminded me of the simple dua we do after each prayer of:

"Allahumma, Rabbana atina fiddunya hassanah,
Wafil akhirati hassanah, waqina azabannar...."

Wahai Tuhan kami,berilah kepada kami kebaikan didunia
dan kebaikan diakhirat,dan peliharalah kami dari azab neraka....

Happy Birthday, Pak.
May your soul be placed together with those loved by Allah.


hjghaz said...


Mama Irma, Your father should be OK..

We should ensure we are Ok too, INSYAALLAH.

mama irma said...

Thank you very much.

atenah said...

yr love for yr dad oozes thru he story. i wish i had the same relationship with my dad.

a beautiful entry, thanks

mama irma said...

I still miss him every single day.

I put up another entry on my beloved father at my family's site here:

I am, of course, the IbuTeh. he,he,he....