Thursday, November 27, 2008


I believe my maid Asnah has quite an impressive vocabulary consisting of English words which she chooses to pronounce on her own terms.

One such word is "Merhatun".

When Imran came back from camping with a bagpack of damp soiled pile of clothings, she'll say:

Hai, esok merhatun lah kakak basuh baju!!!

When the bungalow owner behind ours continuously renovating his house, Asnah will complain:

Kontraktor tu merhatun pecah sana pecah sini, pening kepala saya dengan bunyi bising nya!!

I figured what she meant to say was actually 'marathon'!

Yesterday evening I finished dinner early and told the kids:

OK then, mama nak merhatun tengok Drama Korea!!!...



Mama Rock said...

hahaha, i was trying to figure out apa ke benda nya tu until you gave it away :)

mama irma said...

mama rock,
Nasib baik bukan 'merhoyan!'