Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Khidmat Negara, Tanggungjawab Bersama!

We were about to put our heads down on the pillows 2 nights ago when we heard a loud thud coming from the study room.

Gdbooom!!...Boom!!!.Oh MY GOD!!!!!

mama: Apa tu, papa, cuba you pi tengok, Ikram kena electrocuted ke?

Papa rushed out of bed but before he could reach the door, it was already opened by Ikram.

Ikram: Papa, mama, my name is listed as a candidate for the National Service next year! Oh sh*t!! Oh Sh*t!!!!! ......

mama: How do you know, Ikram?

Ikram: I've just checked it out at their website!

Ya Allah, macam mana nak calm Ikram down ni. He has always been against the idea of having to do the National Service. He said that it's a waste of his bloody 3 months!

Ikram: May I pretend to be suffering from OCD or something??......

Papa: Since you have no choice but to do it, you might as well enjoy the experience, Ikram. Think of it positively, you'll be given training in self reliance, character building, appreciation for your country and you'll be a stronger person when you come out.
If you choose to moan and groan, you will be miserable every single day of your life when you are there!...

mama: Kesian Ikram. Hope they will allow you to use fork and spoon for your meals.
( Ikram doesn't know how to eat using his fingers...) ,
lepas tu Ikram tak payah lah nak tunjuk2 tere, ikut aje apa instructor tu suruh.
Kalau ada budak nak rebut2 remote control tv, biarkan ajer..
(I was reffering to a boy who was killed by a fellow participant over a fight for TV remote control).
Cuba avoid masuk dalam air kotor yang bertakung.
(A few students were hospitalised due to bacteria infection as a result of being soaked in a puddle of water contaminated by animals).
Kalau Ikram takde duit, telefon ajer mama, tak perlu ikut instructor pergi Bank!
(A girl claimed to be raped by the instructor while hitching a ride from him to the bank)

With all these worries, mama pun go: Oh sh*t!!, Oh sh*t!!!!!!....


Anonymous said...

May I echo the sentiments "Oh Sh*t! Oh Sh*t!" Kesian anak mama. Nasib baik my children ada kat sini..Do you think they will call us back? Oh Sh*t!

mama irma said...

Kak Teh, tak tau lah sistem apa yang diorang guna to select the candidates. Perhaps you can check the namelist from the website.

Anonymous said...

actually, if i were younger, I would love to go. My bro sighed in relief last yesr when his name was not listed...

mama irma said...

mommy, Ikram is not keen to spend 3months in the camp as he has plans to work part time at the Starbucks outlet at The Curve whilst waiting for his SPM Exam result.