Friday, October 20, 2006

Baju Raya

We are so fortunate that we have Mary, the boutique cum tailoring owner located behind my office, to sew our Malay traditional costumes for us all year round. She has in her record our exact measurements and whenever her suppliers come with new stock of imported materials, she would pick some for me and my girls. She'd come up with some simple designs and within 2 weeks they will be ready to be hung in our burst at the door wardrobes.

For this Raya season, Mary has prepared all our baju kurungs and kebaya one month in advance. Since this is her first year of working, Dilla did not foresee that in the month of Ramadhan, most of the Malay staff in her office wear Baju Kurung. Somehow, she has already worn her Baju Raya to office. Poor girl, I felt bad that she will not be dorning new clothes for the festival as no way will Mary accept new orders barely a week before Raya!!!!! However, I still rummaged through the cupboard and found 5pieces of material bought by papa on his travels overseas, not cut into a dress yet.

The next day, I put on the saddest face and begged Mary to try and get them ready for Dilla before Raya. Mary said she wouldn't want to quarrel with her tailor but will try her best.

Yesterday Mary phoned me with tears in her voice!
She explained that one of her clients sent 2 pieces of Batik silk specially selected from a designer in the East Coast for her Raya attire. Mary's tailor had accidentally cut the cloth according to Dilla's measurements. Since Dilla is a size 0, nobody could dream to fit into the baju which is ready for collection.

Mary: Now the client and her tailor are both crying! The client has no new baju for Raya, on top of losing her personally chosen material, and the tailor will have to compensate her. The client asked for RM800.00 for the cost of material.

Mary desperately asked for my favour if I could just purchase the baju kurung for Dilla. She offered the 2 suits for RM500.00, with the tailoring fee waived.

mama: well, err,....let me see the baju first.....(tried to sound reluctant but could not hide the glee in my voice...)

Mary: They are sooooo beautiful, I promise you!!!

Today, 3 days before Raya, Dilla is the accidental owner of 2 suits of someone else's new Baju Raya. And as her gratitude, Mary managed to rush Dilla's own 5 sets of baju too.

Dilla: Alhamdulillah....Inilah rezeki Bulan Ramadhan!!!!...


hjghaz said...

Mama Irma,

Tell Dilla.. More will come from
Atuk LGT.

mama irma said...

Aaiyah hjghaz,
Dat wan ar, gotto wait for CNY, mah!!