Friday, December 15, 2006

Goodbye, Su.

After training the new maid for a week, Su (the senior maid) ends her career in our house today.

I usually bring in a new maid for the old one to train before she leaves, macam changing of the guards, for the simple reason I'm lazy to get into the works of showing where the garam and the gula are in my kitchen. Besides, Su already had a routine in place, hari Isnin sapu rumah, hari selasa vacuum, hari rabu mop, hari khamis sental the exterior porches, tingkap and pintu, hari jumaat tukar bedsheets, hari sabtu cuci fridge, hari ahad lepak! So, the new maid ikut saja lah senarai tugas tersebut.

Last night we went out for dinner, a farewell treat from Dilla for Kak Su.

This morning we said goodbye.
Tasya gave her an angpow, thank you Kak Su kemas bilik Tasya, basuh dan gosokkan baju Tasya.
Kak Su: Bye Adik, Abang. Kak Su mintak maaf banyak2 ya. Semoga jumpa lagi.

I took another quick trip to Port Klang.

Bukan ke Su sibrengsek tu suka purak2 pekak bila aku cakap dengan dia, and I often murmur to myself that I've never met a homosapien who actually took 5 whole minutes to make one small step forward when I called?
pastu apasal pulak aku nangis ni?

I hate goodbyes!


Mrs. Alexis said...

Did u actually cry? A week and it coz a tears... erm, now why she's leaving then?

mama irma said...

glass slippers,
He,he,he, looks like I'm not a good story teller macam Kak Teh! I picked up a new maid, Asnah,last week and Su my old maid trained her for a week before her term expired. Su left after her work permit ended. My staff said I'm an iron lady tapi I cry easily over the silliest of reasons....

Mrs. Alexis said...

Now I get you, guess not coz of u're not a good story teller, but it could be me "blur"...

If an Iron lady can cry easily over silliest reason, what else me :)

hjghaz said...

Mama Irma,

Yang turun takhta pun nangis..

Yang naik takhta pun nangis..

And they are MEN!

So you have royal company.

mama irma said...

Everyone hates goodbye, then.
The only difference is, they are Raja berjiwa rakyat whilst I am rakyat berjiwa raja..kah,kah,kah....

Kak Teh said...

no wonder my ears were burning, rupa nya ada orang sebut nama kak teh. anyway, i'd rather be good at making money like you, Mama Irma.

mama irma said...

Kak Teh,
Ears burning? I thought kita akan tersedak kalau orang sebut nama kita?....That's what orang tua2 kata lah, not scientifically proven, ha,ha,ha...

atenah said...

kita sarupa, i hate good byes, esp long ones, so balik nanti ni cam na. ha ha i perasan, am expecting at least 3 or 4 farewell parties, ish perasan sakan noo

mama irma said...

With those amount of farewell parties, you'd better keep a box of tissue papers in your pocket, all the time, sob,sob,sob......

Mama Rock said...

not only goodbyes make me cry...silly things like watching teary drama or anything on hallmark channel :)

mama irma said...

mama rock,
It must be something to do with what they say about us coming from Venus?