Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tui Na Therapy

I went for a traditional Tui Na therapy yesterday.
It's a form of pressurepoint massage which originated from China.

Lily, the lady therapist from China, put her fingers on my neck and shoulder, started to accuse me:


I was breathing heavily with my face stuffed in the hole of the massage bench, looking down to the floor, thinking loudly:

Yeah what else is new??

She sort of mutilated my back, neck and shoulder.
When I went to bed, bruised, at 10pm last night, I was shocked to be awaken only at 7am by Imran to send him to school.

Wow, Tui Na, that worked!!!


Mama Rock said...

wow! you must be sleeping like a baby!

mama irma said...

mama rock,
it was more of 'sleep like a log!'