Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Du'a untuk Afzal

Suddenly I thought of an old friend, Inchun.

I sent her a short message: 'Salam Inchun, how are you doing'?

She replied almost instantly telling me of her whereabout and that her son, Afzal, will be fetching her later, somewhere.

mama: Afzal is back here in Malaysia??

Inchun texted briefly how Afzal is taken ill and decided that its best for him to be home right now rather than in the UK.

Inchun: I suggest you read his blog, he tells it all there .

Needless to say, I spent the following hours reading Afzal's blog with a HUGE lump in my throat.
The little boy I knew from 1987 is now a doctor but he is very ill with cancer. Inchun is indeed a very tough and brave mum. May Allah make things easy for my friend and her family.

Afzal's story makes me guilty of whining for the littlest pain and discomfort I may encounter. I wish my own children could emulate Afzal's love and concern for his mother.

Please remember Afzal in your prayers. May you get well soon, son.

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