I'm having a lump in my throat and a knot at the pit of my stomach!! Irma has been missing from home and this is the 3rd morning that she has not had her breakfast before I leave for work. Mana Irma ni!!! Suddenly the house is so quiet. I have been scouring the entire neighbourhood for the past 2 evenings since she's been gone. Imran said if I can see her, means she can find her way home. Is she lost?? Irma has never ventured anywhere further than the garden and the neighbour's fence. Is she stuck at the underground drain? She's too huge for the drain and besides I've been looking at all the covered drains around the house. Has she been following the 'Pakcik Tom' yang selalu datang mengurat dia? Cannot be as Irma has been spayed and I saw the Pakcik yesterday at my backyard and I offered him food.
Takut kalau2 Irma kena langgar kereta! Every brown item I saw by the roadside is frightening me. Macamane kalau Irma diambil orang? But, Irma eats boiled mackerel about 5 times a day. She can't even have it whole, kena buangkan kepala and tulang, otherwise she will choke! and she needs her 'sweetheart' biscuits in-between her meals, and RO water at her bistro! and she loves her grooming session everynight.......
Balik lah Irma, I miss you!!!..I have not smiled since you've been gone!
This is indeed a nightmare. at night i count all my cats - jasper, kissinger, gizmo, moaner, tabby and snowbell - macam roll call. I hope Irma comes back. Once Jasper went missing for thee days, my daughter cried for thee days - and then he came back!
Kak teh, airmata dah berjurai2 ni! Nak buka blog pun rasa terseksa. anonymous, thanks.
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