Thursday, December 29, 2005

Ha?!? Nak Raya Lagi???!!!...

Papa (*who is supposedly my SIGNIFICANT other half when dealing with 'leceh' matters, kalau tak leceh, he is insignificant in my decision making process, he, he, he....,*) has declared that we will be celebrating the Aidil Adha in KL this year!

Yes!!! I don't have to worry about leaving my furry children at the boarding house if we are to balik kampong..
Yes!!! I want to savour 'the look' from my mother..(this requires another HUGE blog altogether, with gory template and a handle that shouts: "whatever it is that you daughters are trying to do for me will NEVER be good enough, understand??" Fortunately the blog will not be published until I have the chance to read and hopefully benefit from ATENAH's impending book on 'Fragile relationship between mothers and daughters'....)

What was it that I was writing about? Oh, ya, the Aidil Adha. Papa's decision not to travel is because the Hari Raya will be on a Tuesday. Besides, Dilla will be sitting for her semester exam the day after H/Raya. But the real reason is because we want to welcome our nieces and nephews to spend the Raya with us. Their parents are in Makkah performing the pilgrimage and we automatically take it upon ourselves to ensure that the children have a decent Hari Raya celebration. While we were performing our Haj 3 years ago, my children were looked after by their parents, who by the way happens to be my elder sister who is married to papa's elder brother, get it??, get it??....

Papa has also invited his brother-in-law's family to be with us.
'Hang tak payah nak siap2 food, mai makan kat rumah kami!'
My sister-in-law (who is papa's sister) passed away 2 years ago, leaving a hubby to fend for 4 children. I know he is struggling to cope with his new role as a single parent, may Allah bestow him with extra strength.

So Selamat Menyambut Aidil Adha. When we were in Minna, Aidil Adha was celebrated after the culmination of melontar jumrah, the Tahlul and getting out of the Ihram. The feeling of joy and jubilation was so overwhelming that we forgot about the lemang, ketupat and rendang back home in Malaysia....... Semoga kita mendapat Haji yang Mabrur, insyaAllah....


Anonymous said...

ha ha ha I nearly fell off my chair reading that you wanna wait for *my book*. like you i have a lot to story abt my mom but i cant do it, not even in my blog, nanti kang dikatakan anak durhaka. the over self-analized me though can still recall my mom's words that had and still have huge impacts on me.
i like yr blog as I think I can learn a lot from you.

Anonymous said...

oh btw, have u found yr cat?

mama irma said...

Atenah, same here, don't want to accuse myself for being durhaka, that's why gotto find peace with myself!! banyakkan sabar and don't want to remember the sad episodes... No, my cat is still missing and I'm still thinking of her! Thanks for visiting, I feel honoured!