Thursday, January 12, 2006


Dilla is sitting for her exam again, I'm not sure about the current semester system, everytime it's final sem exam and it's final sem exam again!!....(During my time, it's end of year exam, period.)

After the last paper, she sms and told me the exam was "susah giler! Nak giler pun tak susah macam ni!".....

This time, before she went back to campus, I handed an extra pocket money for the week.
Dilla: Naper banyak sangat mama bagi Dilla ni?
mama: Nak rasuah Dilla supaya dapat inspirasi. Masa nak periksa ni jangan nak demam, pengsan (yes, she fainted once before a paper), muntah or tumbuh ketumbit!! (and she customarily has that growth on her upper eyelid everytime she is stressful, wonder why??)..

However, the good news is Dilla has already received a job offer from Ernst&Young inviting her to join the company upon the completion of her degree course!

Dilla told me that she was once interviewed by MICPA the reason why she wanted to be an accountant?
Dilla: My mother asked me to!
mama: he,he,he.....

Continue to work harder, Dilla,..(and the rasuah shall continue)
You have nothing to loose...(by listening to your mother)
Best of luck in everything you do!..
and remember to start paying for your PTPTN soon....

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