Thursday, January 12, 2006

Papa's 5Mins. Fame

....."Tuan tuan dan puan puan, kita akan mendarat sebentar lagi. Sila pastikan anda berada ditempat duduk masing masing dan pasangkan tali pinggang keledar sehingga anda diberitahu kelak"......

Papa said he was being interviewed by Aidid Marcello, mid air between Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu, while conducting a safety procedures exercise to a group of charter flight crew who will then operate the aircraft during Haj season.

mama: yeah, whatever.....

Last saturday I saw a few snapshots over TV3, reminding us to watch Majalah 3:

...'pastikan anda menonton Majalah 3 malam ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana persiapan mengenai penghantaran jemaah haji ke Mekah dilakukan'....

Ooooo...this must be the program that papa was telling me about!!!!

Quickly, quickly, got hold of the phone, must tell my mother to watch the program tonight!! She must have another reason to be proud of the Son-in-law, what!

By 9pm, papa, mama and Imran were already infront of the TV.
We saw papa giving a safety briefing to the aircrew on what to do in the event of an emergency, and a short discussion with Aidid after that.
We went like, wah...Ooooo....wahh.....

One minute after that the first call came from my nephew, Akmal.
Akmal: Ibu Teh! (yeah that's me), Mal nampak macam kenal ajer orang yang appear kat Majalah 3 tadi!
mama: ye, maklum lah orang femes....

Then came a call from Aida, my niece.
Aida: Ibu Teh! Did you watch Majalah 3? I saw papa Aziz!!!!
mama: well..tengok. Biasa lah Aida, kerja dia.....

Then my mother called.
Emak: Aku tengok bukan main garang lagi Aziz mengajar budak tu jerit! (memang lah kena jerit bila nak suruh orang evacuate the aircraft, tak kan lah nak romantik2 macam dalam kelambu pulak!) . Padan lah bila aku dalam kapal terbang, asyik kena beri makan tak sudah2, rupa2nya diorang takut kat Aziz!

I wanted to tell her that the inflight service is like that, regardless of whether your son-in-law is the flight operations manager or not! She may even request for champagne if she wishes....

Then there were calls from uncles, aunties, acknowledging papa's guest appearance on the documentary......
mama: ooo, yeah, part of his job......(*not excited, humble, nothing out of the ordinary*...)

Yesterday I received a call from our masseau, Maria.
Maria: Datin! (she insists that she must call me Datin although papa never made any contribution to the royal household to earn it), hari tu saya nampak Datuk kat televisen!

No wonder Ayah Pin's wives went into hiding the moment he appeared on TV!!!!

The guest artist:

'Nana Tanjung',
Anak Pak Usin dressar,
Cucu Tok Aji Arip......



Anonymous said...

*romantik macam dlm kelambu*

ish ni Mama Irma kena blog one day nih, he he he

congrats to Papa Irma, ye lah nampak rupa Datuk what.

mama irma said...

atn kenai ka? Papa Irma oghang Perglih. Budak Derma English School, he,he, where else if one is from Perlis those days....

Anonymous said...

mama irma - wah dan pulak tangkap gambark! Congrats and yes memang ada tokoh dato' and datin!

mama irma said...

Kak Teh, Imran is ahli kelab fotografi sekolah, the camera forms as part of his appendages.

Anonymous said...

tak kenai but his hair is so distictive noo