Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Road Last Travelled.

It was highly probable that I could be driving through that gate for the very last time yesterday.

For the past 5years, I was entering and leaving the compound with Ikram. Some mornings I would still be half asleep and in my tattered pyjama, waving unceremoniously to the guard on duty at the gate, from behind my wheels..

Alas, no more queuing here, waiting for the prince to come down from his airconditioned classroom.....

We left the premise at 4.00pm yesterday, after Ikram's last paper, with mixed feelings. Happy, sad, relieved and anxious that Ikram will henceforth start the new chapter in his life as an ex-student.

mama: so. we'll only be back for the result in April, eh, dude?

Ikram: Yeah, and I hope it will be one of the happiest moments in my life!

mama: OK, how about RM11,000.00 for 11A's!

Ikram: Uuh, I kinda messed up the Physics paper quite a bit. Can I settle for 10K with 10A's instead??...

mama: Nope, buddy, winner takes all...It's all or nothing at all!...

Ikram: Now is the part where I will have to tawakkal, right mother?

Right Ikram. I know you have done your best.

The object of my ramblings infront of his school building in his school uniform for the very last time......

And all the best to the parents, too.....


Kak Teh said...

you're a tough one to negotiate!all the best!

mama irma said...

kak teh,
Kadang2 tough at the beginning only, lepas tu give in jugak. The children know my weakness...

atenah said...

amboi, hemsemnya anak bujang MI!

Penabahari said...

Saya doakan yg terbaik utk Ikram. CT saya pun dah selesai dengan spmnya. Sekarang sedang menunggu untuk Khidmat Negara yg akan bermula pada 1.1.07. Life travel so fast.

mama irma said...

Nak harapkan segak saja, yang lain semua mama masih kena atorqkan.....

Syukran diatas doa Saudara untuk Ikram. Dia juga akan memulakan Khidmat Negara pada 1.1.07, maybe same place with your CT?