Monday, November 03, 2008

Insomniac wreck

Sleep defies me nightly since Papa took a new job and based elsewhere....

It has got something to do with a certain sense of insecurity, so much so that I'll be wide awake in the middle of the night even at the sound of a falling leaf in the front garden!

Luckily, so far, Papa managed to fly home on most weekends, otherwise, I would be carrying 2inches of sag under each of my eyes.

The children, bless them, are concerned about my situation.

Dilla have been buying loads of DVDs for me to watch at night when I can't sleep.
Ikram, for the first time in his life got me a book to read:
'A Thousand Splendid Suns' by Khaled Hosseini.

I started on the book and could not put it down. Finished reading it in a day and unfortunately when I finally dozed, I dreamt that I was in Afghanistan under the Taliban regime, just like what was described by the storyteller.

I realised then that reading myself to sleep is not exactly a good idea!
I woke up more tired and sweaty from dragging the Burqa, walking on the streets of Kabul!!!!

I will probably watch 'Mamma Mia' tonight. See if I will be dancing and prancing instead in my brief elusive sleep......


Kak Teh said...

Kesiannya Mama Irma,
nevermind - let the books keep you company. I started with The Kite Runner - belum habis and now am reading areal tearjerker - The Notebook.

Take care.

mama irma said...

Dear Kak Teh,
I notice, the more senior I am, the less is my ability to adapt to changes. I hope I'll get used to the quietness soon. Luckily Mr. Hubby promised that it will only be for 2 years....
I've read and watched 'The Kite Runner', cried and cried over both the book and the movie. I've not read The Notebook, same author?