Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Good Morning Malaysia!!

A long time business friend called me first thing in the morning.

Davy: Good morning!!
mama: What's so good about the morning?
Davy: How do you know what I feel?
mama: It's a mutual feeling shared by most people of Malaysia today.

I woke up in the morning staring at the front page news in the newspaper to a 30sen hike per litre of petrol!! And I have 4 empty tanks right now sitting on my porch!!!!

Next page is the RM1billion loss made by Malaysia Airlines, amongst the cost cutting measures will be reducing the non-profitable routes and cutting off non-productive agents.
(mental note: I now have to be more productive with less routes to sell....hmmm....).

These after a lenghty explanation over the news last night about the new tariff hike on the electricity rates.

And you know what? TV3's news declared that our PM has just gotten an 'Ilham' while officiating a Kraftangan function last night, that we should go and export our 'bakul rotan' overseas in order to get rich!..... wow!! what a great new ILHAM!!!!.... But the blinds have always known that for years, are they rich yet?!!!!......

My boys have been complaining about the smelly water from the tap!
Imran: Is there a dead Bangla in our water tank?
Ikram: our water smell like sh*t!
The Malay Mail explained the mystery today, the stench is due to the sudden increase in the ammonia content in the raw water taken from the source at Sungai Selangor. The ammonia contamination came from the ponds nearby which overflowed after a downpour. We will have to bear the stench for another 2 days, boys!.

Davy: I'm calling to tell you that the cheque that we are supposed to receive will only be bankable in the middle of next month!

Any more bad news? They are all welcomed only for today, as I have declared today to be a 'Bad News day'!


Anonymous said...

i hope the "bad news day" is officially one day in a year. tak larat dah nak dengar lagi bad news, especially on rega minyak :(

Anonymous said...

a bad news is better then no news at all, am i right? hehe..

salam kenal ..

Anonymous said...

to me 4 car is good news :)

mama irma said...

mama rock, zino: let's recite the mantra together, no more bad news, no more bad news, no more bad news......
atenah: cars are a necessity, not much of a good news. Govt said RM4b saved from subsidising the fuel cost will go towards improving public transport. Let's hope it really does.