Thursday, February 23, 2006

Happy Birthday, Imran!

It's Imran's 14th birthday today.
Alas, he is having a fever....

Papa said he's like a baby, demam bila bertambah usia..
Mama said he is exhausted, he went jungle tracking with the KRS (Kadet Remaja Sekolah) on Friday, came back on Saturday, only a day rest on Sunday to do his homework. On Monday he was back to school and marching practice until late evening.

Mama: Imran, I think you are exerting yourself!
Imran: A member of KRS does not exert himself, mama! Ish..malu kalau Ustaz dengar!!
Mama: OK, but please put on the sunblock lotion, I don't want you to have that road divider coloured-skin! (read: black!)
Imran: Mana ada!!!
Mama: Put the sunblock ON!
Imran: OK, provided it has no smell and that nobody would notice!!!!

Huh, boys.....
*KRS is the muslim boys' version of the scouts.

Imran always know how to take advantage of his special day. For as long as I can remember, he comes up with a birthday wishlist from as early as the beginning of the New Year. He'll dictate what he should receive from every member of the family. As he grows, he knows the importance of quality as compared to quantity, so, for the past years, it has been the PS2 player, The Digital Camera, a Nokia Camera phone and this year he was pondering whether he deserved an i-pod or the MP3 player......

As early as last week, we were already at the Ikano Power Centre to help him do some comparative studies, as to the pros and cons of the 2 gadgets. He spoke to the salesmen and I overheard him asked very brilliant technical questions which I myself do not know how to reproduce here....

Finally, he decided on a Sony MP3 player instead of the i-pod, due to the software programme used by the former, which is supposed to be compatible to his computer.
Mama malas nak pergi2 lagi tempat tu, terus belikan an advance birthday present for Imran.
And Papa got a new Sony viewcam too for himself on Imran's birthday....(apa kena mengena nya?) about taking advantage......

For a while I saw the MP3's earpiece slowly becoming an extended appendage of Imran's ear. Then, later in the night he declared that he had just made a discovery:
His ears are not compatible to the MP3's earphones......The lobes are becoming red!!!!!

Mama: So, are we getting a new upgraded and more compatible earlobes for you?

Happy Birthday, Darling!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FYI iTunes is both compatible with Windows and Mac. I don't think "he" uses Linux. Better opt for iPod.