Friday, December 11, 2009

Those schoolboy days....

Congratulations to my son, Imran, who has just completed his SPM examination yesterday. That was to be the last time he was a schoolboy donning the school uniform.

Imran has been working so hard and sacrificed a lot this entire year. He just knew that this examination result is the ticket to his future and doing well in it is the ultimate choice.

With successful older siblings as mentors, it wasn't difficult to motivate him. I was just trailing behind, sending and picking him up for tuitions and making everything and anything available just to ensure that he was comfortable.

Right after the last paper, I asked how he felt. Imran said he has given his utmost best and he could not have done any better, there's no regrets at all.

Alhamdulillah, now the tawakkal part comes in.

Based on his excellent trial examination results, Imran has been offered The Pricipal's Award by Taylor's University College and will start his Cambridge 'A' levels there in January.

Thank you Imran for making it relatively easy for me to carry out one of my responsibilities as a mother....

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Going to visit....

The Taj Mahal!!!

Dilla and I decided that we are going to take our much needed year-end break, and we are heading towards Agra to see for ourselves one of the seven wonders of the world, The Taj Mahal.

We have had a few round-kitchen-table meetings with other members of the family, and 'if-you-don't-agree-with-the-destination,-please-suggest-another!!!' sessions. It looks like everyone will have to tow and brave the journey too, since we have, sort of, run out of place to go for holidays..

Papa is quite annoyed with this last minute decision, however, the kids and I are determined to go somewhere nevertheless. We have been struggling 'like the weeds on the field' throughout this year, and for that, we are giving ourselves a treat by witnessing the epitome of love!.

We'll be back on the new year. May it bring us lots of joy and happiness....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Skill sharpening

It is said that Amateurs Rely on Luck, Professional Traders Use CANDLESTICKS!

I decided to check out a workshop to see if I could benefit from the technical tools which the Japanese had beeen using since 1600s.

So, last Sunday, I went back to classroom and learnt about the works of Evening and Morning Star, Bearish and Bullish Doji, Hammer and Hanging Man, Spinning Top and Marubozu, Dark Cloud and Bullish Kicker.. etc,etc,etc.........

I am 72 candlestick patterns wiser, how I may benefit from them will be shown from how successful my trades will be executed, using the charts, from now onwards.

Thanks, Conrad. He even autographed my reference cards, he,he,he.

Happy Hunting, always.

Friday, October 30, 2009

A family celebration.

Remember Arwen?

She is now a happy young lady, having been nursed to health and be a member of our family for the past 5 months.We took this picture of Arwen last week during a photography session held in conjunction with Dilla's CPA graduation.

This is Dilla in her robe with her beloved putih.

Dilla and Bella at the balcony.

Dilla and her supportive brothers.

Parents happen to also be important members in our family.

Congratulations, Dilla!!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Projek menggemukkan badan!

That's how lightweight my daughter Dilla is!!!Kena tiup fan pun boleh terbang!!!!!!!Ha,ha,ha......

We were alarmed that she actually lost 4kg. within a period of one month (from her already underweight being). Her Doctor ordered a full blood test and found nothing medically wrong with her.

Meanwhile, I have been pestering her to eat until she cannot swallow anymore!!!! sometimes sampai dia nak termuntah-muntah nak telan!

Our beloved Putih cheering her on: 'Telan Kak La, telan'!!!!!!

To our amazement, she can even loose half a kg of her body weight after a trip to the toilet!
After Raya, I thought she may be able to recoup her lost precious weight, however, it has been a yo-yo, something like: 36.4kg before a meal and down to 36.2kg after she finishes that meal!!! That's totally against the Law of nature!!!!

I was so frustrated that yesterday I started a new regime for her:

This will be Dilla's drink in the morning and at night for now and I am as determined as she is to see that she'll gain some weight to at least a healthier level...

Go, Dilla, go!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Of sweet pee and goat smile...

I love caramelised nuts....especially almonds!!!
No, the 'Tong Garden' variety does not pass the QA, they have to come from Australia.

When Dilla went to visit Tasya in Sydney few months ago, I asked her to get me lots of them at the airport, unfortunately she could not find them. I knew then how the silly mother of 'Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup' felt when she could not taste the telor temakul!!!!

Tasya who resides in Sydney felt bad and few weeks later sent me bags of caramelised nuts through a friend who came back to Malaysia.
I have been munching them since, some are about to be expired soon.

Yesterday I offered them to Ikram.

mama: Ikram, do you want some of my almonds?
ikram: Don't you want to eat them anymore?
mama: I've had too much! I'm about to have sweet pee...
ikram: sweet pee?????
mama: kencing manis!! ha,ha,ha.....

During dinner, Ikram mentioned something like it's nice to have dinner at home once in a while!!!!
He usually comes home close to his curfew time of 10.30pm and missed having dinner with us.
Imran knew that his brother is currently stuck at home because the girlfriend is away on holiday and Imran could not hide his cynical smile...

ikram: Adik, why do you put on that goat smile??
imran: goat smile???
ikram: yeah, senyum kambing!!!!ha,ha,ha....

Monday, September 28, 2009

Salam AidilFitri

Selamat menyambut AidilFitri daripada mamaIrma sekeluarga, semoga kita semua mendapat keberkatan Ilahi didunia dan akhirat.

Deretan cucu cicit menunggu giliran menerima duit raya daripada MakTok.
Allah panjangkan usia MakTok dan limpahkan rahmat keatas roh TokAyah yang telah lama pergi tetapi masih mengagihkan rezeki pencennya kepada cucu cicit yang ditinggalkan.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ahlan wa sahlan, marhaban, ya Ramadan

May all our prayers be accepted by Allah,
and we are showered upon by His love and blessings.

Ramadan Mubarak!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


The writer is bitten by the lazy bug and will not be putting up any post until she recovers.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Hypertension, Wok!

My maid Asnah was ill last week.

Her temperature was very high, I swear I could fry an omelet on her forehead, and yet she was shivering cold.

I took her to see the Doctor where she immediately got a jab, but after 4 days she was still immobile and shivering. She went for a repeat treatment and the Doctor suspected she was down with dengue fever!!!

I was supposed to take her to the hospital or risk her dead if she starts to hemorrhage at home. Giler takut!!!!

I made a quick inquiry at the nearest private hospital. It was the Agong B/day's public holiday and the receptionist confessed that there would be very little that they could do other than administering the drip. She kindly advised that I drown the poor maid with decarbonated isotonic drink and only bring her in if her condition deteriorated.

That's how I became 'jururawat tak bertauliah'. Checking on Senah every hour, watched carefully if she was still breathing, woke her up for drinks...fortunately she recovered on the 6th day..after dozens of bottles of 1.5l decarbonated 100plus and air cap badak...

the ole and trusted air cap badak.

And then it was my turn to be ill!!!!!!!!
My head was pounding furiously and I started to throw up everything I had in my system including the bile!

Papa took me to the same Clinic that treated Senah, luckily I was not attended to by the same Doctor. I would imagine a same Doctor would have whisked me to the hospital immediately! However, the cute locum (sempat tengok jugak) found that my blood pressure had shot up to 170/110!!! It must be due to my worries and fatigue during Senah's illness. I nearly had a stroke!

I was given a jab (can't protest while I was in semi-coma), ordered to be in complete rest and come again for a thorough investigation with blood test after I recover from the vomitting bout. Ish..mau ker? Didn't he know that I'm so frightened of the blood sucking needle?

Instead I went and visit my favourite Pharmacyst and pujuk her to recommend me supplements. I came out of her shop with a new set of Blood Pressure Monitor, a gigantic bottle of Omega-3 fish oil to improve my good cholesterol and an ample supply of Hawthorn berries capsules to reduce blood pressure naturally...

My mother was blowing hot and cold when she heard that I refused to do the entire blood test,
'ontah apo bangang eh, sekolah tinggi tinggi tapi penakot!'
(I don't believe you're so stupid, even with good education you're still frightened of silly things!)

I have yet to see if the natural remedies work.....
Right now, without bothering about my mother's remark, my pressure is stabilising around 140/90.

Friday, June 05, 2009

H/Raya comes early

I got an invitation to a cucu's birthday party this weekend. I love my sister's cucus just like they are mine!Since Papa is in town, I dragged him to do some shopping. I was loosing myself at The Brand Outlet of Ikano Power Centre, getting a dress each for the birthday girls, Aina Syuhada and Anna Suraya. Then I thought I might as well get one for their sister, Anis Sofea. Then I thought of their cousin sisters, Amira Maisara and Arisya Nazira, and chose cute dresses for them too. Then I remembered their cousin brothers Syaqirul Ariff and Syahir Ariff and collected 2 shirts for them. It dawned into me too that I could not attend Emmir Danish's first birthday celebration last week and bought a shirt for him as well......

I ended up with these, for my 8 cucus, all below 7 years old!:

I spent an hour wrapping and tagging them:

Hope they love their early Hari Raya gifts from Wan Teh!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My son, oh, my son!

My son has probably broken the Guiness Book of World Records for loosing his pair of spectacles again! The 4th in a year!!

I don't know whether I should scream or cry!!!!!
Papa was speechless when I told him about it.

I don't want to call in to the Suze Orman Show ( to check if I can afford to buy him another pair), I can almost hear her say:
'What the hell is wrong with your son, girlfriend??????'

However, after ransacking the house upside down, I made a feeble attempt to call my mother.

You see, my mother has the ability to 'nujum' (fortell) the whereabout of your lost things, sort of. But she doesn't like to do that often as she claims that she will pray without pahala for 44 days for doing something which is 'kurafat'! he,he,he...
For us, she usually obliged provided we feign utter misery at the lost of our belonging.

After asking the date Imran looses the item, she said, 'kau carik lah, ado , nampak yor!' (you go search, it's still there,I can see it so clearly')....

Last year, Imran lost his I-pod touch during Tasya's wedding. After consulting her, my mother said 'terlampau simpan dek orang, lamo-lamo dapek balik barang ni, tapi tak sonang dor...'(it was kept properly by someone, and Imran will eventually get it back, but not in such an easy manner).It was a long story, but true enough, Imran got it back after about 3 months, reluctantly from someone known to us who came to the house during the wedding.

Then later Imran left his brand new Tissot watch in a public toilet at One Utama after washing his hands!. Mother said 'Dah dapek kek orang'!! (it's already taken by someone!).Like duh! of course it's taken if you foolishly place a gleaming RM2K tissot watch in a public toilet!!!

Have you gotten the trend yet? It's Imran looses this and Imran looses that......If I continuosly consult my mother for every item that he looses, she probably has to pray without any pahala for an entire year!!!!

Haih! The perils of the last son!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Letter To My Mommy.

Dear mommy,

I still remember the wonderful times we spent together, the happy moments of frolicking, ruffling your fur, under the car at the mechanic workshop where I was born. It was a splendid two months until last Friday when I suddenly fell ill. I was curled up, motionless under the car infront of the workshop when a lady picked me up and sent me to the nearby Vet.The Vet diagnosed me with a severe lung infection and I heard him say that I will not have much chance if I were to continue living under the present circumstances. I must have tugged the lady's heart that she took me home with her. Unfortunately, I could not say a proper goodbye to you as I was very ill and you were no where to be seen at the time.

The lady whom I now call mama gave me my own 'room' in her house and I am given medication twice a day for the next seven days. I am feeling much better now and have started to eat kitten food. I was given some semi solid too to make me stronger since mama said I am now weaned off your milk.

I have managed to look around quite a bit. I even have my own toys!!! Mama has other feline members in her family. There is this guy they call Bella. He hummed a very funny growl when he sees me. The two girls, Priyanka and CheeHua actually hissed. Am I supposed to be frightened? I don't know, but mama said once I find my own space in this house, they'll begin to accept me. That is the reason why mama can't take you in too, since you are an adult and she can't allow a major crisis to happen in this environment. I heard there's another guy, Putih, but I've not seen him yet.

Mama called me 'Pretty Girl'. Later, Kak Dilla returned home and upon seeing me, decided that I should be named 'Arwen'. That sealed my fate. I am now officially 'Arwen'......

Please do not worry about me. I think I'll be fine. All I need to do now is to focus on getting well. Yesterday I even had the chance to watch Akademi Fantasia with mama. That fake fella, Qhaud, deserved to be eliminated. Mama said the mutated Tarzan looking guy who is all but positive in attitude should be booted out next. I like mama's sofa in her bedroom, though.I am looking forward to mama bringing me up in her bedroom again when she next watch American Idol. I so want to see Adam Lambert perform!

I don't know if I will write again, mommy. However, do take good care of yourself. Do not forget to go and eat at the 'soup kitchen' mama set up infront of her office for strays like you.

.."My Mommy"...

I will always be thinking of you. Though I should try to be happy, right now I am a bit l.o.n.e.l.y.....I miss you!!

Good Bye, mommy,
I love you!


Friday, March 27, 2009

Congratulations, Dilla!

Heartiest Congratulations to my daughter Dilla, who got promoted on her job, today!

I knew it was coming, since Dilla puts in hundreds of extra hours working as an 'Auditslave'. I have not met another girl who went to work at 8.30am on a Saturday and came back with black eyebags at 8.30am on Sunday - defying papa's and mama's scornful looks, for the sake of completing her work!

If you don't get the promotion, "I'll complain to The Partner of your firm"!!! It's my favourite phrase whenever I'm not happy with Dilla's working condition...he,he,he....

I'm waiting for the next good news...*wink,wink*.....hope it will be soon.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

The Spectacles of his life.

I wonder if there is another mum who suffers in not-so-silence like me!!

Who wouldn't if your beloved son lost his spectacles 3 times in a span of a year!!!

Imran started to use glasses some time in May last year when he had problems with his vision. We spent an entire evening at an optician at The Curve to choose a frame which suited his face the best. He took elaborate measures to ensure that he remained goodlooking. After maybe 3 months, the handle of the spectacles broke!

We went to the same optician and got it replaced. The poor thing was missing after about 2 months.

My patience was still intact when I took Imran to various opticians in Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, alas, all 5 of them did not have the frame that he liked!! Finally I had to make that trip to the same high-end shop at The Curve......only for him to loose the stupid expensive pair of spectacles A.G.A.I.N!!!!!

Mana tak naik darah??????

Incidently, during the same period,I have been watching Suze Orman shows on Oprah, on CNBC and on Larry King Live.She has somehow successfully converted me into thinking prudently.

I figured that if you keep on loosing your glasses means that you don't really need them!I pretended not to be bothered for a whole week when Imran said he can't function in school without seeing the white board in front of his class.
Kesian lah pulak, nanti tak dapat 13As in his SPM, it will entirely be my fault!And he would blame me for the rest of his life!!!

Life is easy, isn't it? It's your fault in the first place but you get to blame your mommy!!

So, yesterday, dalam hujan ribut taufan, I drove Imran to the nearest optician, I told him that he either pick one at whatever shape and size available or he'll have no spects at all. A beggar can't choose!! This is going to be the last pair of spectacles I'm buying him, if he looses it again, the next one will be paid for with his own money!

Berleter punya berleter....our friend chose an oakley frame at the price of the Manager at my Travel Agency's one month salary!

I was startled at how much a flimsy little metal rods called titanium cost and asked the optician why was it SOOOOO expensive!

Imran let out an embarrased sigh and whispered under his breath that I behaved like someone from Sg. Penchala....
(sudah lah careless, nak judgemental pulak!!!)

Yeah, we are so going to live in Sg.Penchala (right across the mosque, not on the hilltop) if you don't stop treating me like as if I own the Bank Negara!!!!!

On the same related event:

Asnah, the maid: Ya ampun, adik! Hilang kaca matanya lagi?? Senang betul hidup adik, ya! Kalau seluarnya tak pasang butang, tentu udah lama tercicir ditepi jalan!!!

Imran: Kakak, boleh syadap tak??????


Optician: Adik, orang tukar spects 4 tahun sekali, adik tukar spects 4 kali setahun!!

Imran: **ggrrrrrr**

Thursday, February 05, 2009

morning blues

The alarm clock played tricks on me this morning -it refused to ring at the stipulated time!

Luckily for my biological clock, I was awoken at exactly 7a.m. - the time for me to drive Imran to school.
I rushed to his room, and found him fumbling with his school uniform. He was slightly late too since I didn't wake him up.

We 'flew' downstairs, Imran gulped down his drink and vitamins, and I was already at the porch in my pyjamas to start the car.

Needless to say, I was racing at an F2 speed to make sure Imran will not be caught late, 10 minutes from Mutiara Damansara to Taman Tun Dr. Ismail!

I had to make a U-turn infront of his school when the traffic light decided to impose more obstacles on us, it allowed 2 cars to pass through each time before it turned red! We waited a few rounds of changing traffic lights when we finally were behind this one car. When the light turned to the highly anticipated green, it didn't move!

Imran: Ma, horn kuat2 kat cikgu tu, mimpi lagi ke dia????

Mama: When I was in school (way back when at Sek.Keb.Parit Jawa!), my teachers cycled to school, yet we had so much respect for them, we even waited for them to arrive and helped carry their books and lunch boxes! You, my son, asked me to horn (kuat2) at your teacher!

The car infront finally moved just before the light turned red yet again and we had to wait for the next turn.
Imran was late!
Damn the traffic light!!
Damn the alarm clock!!!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

keluhan rakyat

Kumar came to my house to tend to my garden with a sombre face.

He told me that he has not been eating and sleeping for the past one week.

mama: Aiyo Kumar, why lar, got one week CNY holiday break, you cannot eat and sleep!!!

Kumar said he lost his lorry again, the second one in 2 months.

mama: You tadda report polis?

Kumar: Adda, itu polis cakap saya punya lori gerenti sudah sampai FELDA. Sana ada banyak lori curi!

Kumar asked the policeman, if they knew there are stolen lorries there why don't they go and investigate.

Kumar: Itu polis cakap, kalau diorang pegi tangkap pencuri masuk lokap, silap hari polis pulak kena salah!

Kakak tau itu Kug*n punya kes kah? Saya banyak suka dia mati, ada sikit kurang kes kreta curi! Skarang sudah terbalik, jahat punya orang jadi hero, banyak mentri pegi dia punya rumah kasi support!

mama: mana you tau dia jahat punya orang? Belum masuk mahkamah mah!

Kumar: Kalau dia baik punya orang, mana boleh kena tangkap masuk lokap? Saya tak tau ini negri sudah jadi apa???

So do I, Kumar!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Congratulations & Jubilation!

Heartiest congratulations to my daughter Dilla for passing the final MICPA exam successfully!

As a mother, I personally saw how difficult and winding the road was for her to achieve such stature, to become a Certified Public Accountant.
It's a mother's dream comes true. Thank you, Dilla!

I moan her social sacrifices in life, and pray for better opportunities for her in the future.

Way to go, girl! I am so proud of you!!!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Talqin for my lemak

Changing my wardobe to Ms Read from Miss selfridges (chewah, chewah!!!) was not exactly a good idea.

Ms Read collections made me feel very comfortable, due to the type of material used and the ample spaces provided for by the designs. At the rate of my frequent visits to the boutique, by now, my cupboard already looks like part of its showroom.

The disadvantage is, I tend to take it easy on what has been hidden inside, until this friday morning when I decided to put on my baju kurung.
Karung indeed!!
I was shocked by the creepy results of what slouching on the couch, eating kacang and maruku daily, has done to my being.

It was so unbelievable that I cooked up this grim reminder for myself:

Wahai MamaIrma,
Sesungguhnya, lemak itu benar,
Tak boleh tarik zip dikain itu adalah benar,
Lipatan berlapis atas perut bila duduk itu juga adalah benar,

Janganlah kamu berdukacita dan risau,
serta janganlah kamu bersusah hati dan terkejut,

Berusahalah kamu demi kebaikan.
Ketahuilah, exercise atas treadmill itu sesungguhnya lebih banyak membawa kebaikan daripada menonton TV,
Percepatkanlah pergi membeli kasut sukan kerana itu satu-satunya excuse yang kamu beri supaya berlengah-lengah untuk memulakan senaman.

Semoga kamu insaf!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

New Career.

The verdict of last year's sales performance was far from encouraging.
My staff managed to secure only 50% of the previous year's profit.
2008 was indeed a gloomy period for us in the business. What's bad is that 2009 have not shown any promises either, it could be worse!.

I am supposed to manage and direct businesses since, the last I checked, my job title is as a Managing Director.
However it seems that lately I've made sleeping and watching Korean Drama as a career.
My part-time job is sending and picking up my son from school and tuition classes. Networking consists of jamming with my kids on the Rockband2.

Why am I complaining?

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

A lazy New Year.

I have not been looking at my blog for a while now.
I think it's a new year syndrome, at the same time every year I feel like abandoning this place.
Perhaps it's due to the long holiday season.

However, yesterday I got a new motivation through an sms from my daughter.

Dilla forwarded a note from a friend:

stumbled upon your mom's blog, love her writing, suruh dia update selalu.

mama: sapa tu?

dilla: S, my friend.

mama: Oh, mama ingatkan Piah Zadora!! Ha,ha,ha.....

dilla: Ha,ha,ha...Tak kan si Piah tu nak sms kat dilla!!!

mama: well, maybe she knows you since she has been bashing your friend, si shila shower!!

Habis lah dah pecah rahsia, rupa-rupanya mama pun sama subahat membaca hal orang menganyam ketupat!!!!