Malaysia Airlines is currently running a promotion, half price fare on Business Class to a few travel destinations, one of which is to 'Male', the capital city of Maldives.
I took the opportunity to book in advance, 2 airtickets for the soon-to-be-married kids to go for their honeymoon in beautiful Maldives.
I asked papa's opinion if it's alright to spend a week on one of the resort islands. Papa said that if it's for the kid's honeymoon, it's wonderful and exciting. However, if it's for us, it's going to be a bit too long, we will most likely end up looking at each other until we turn blue on the face and can't wait to get home to our cats.
Dilla and Azmi, prepare to go and enjoy your honeymoon trip without the guilt, cos 30 years down the long and winding road, you would most probably be like us! :'(