Thursday, September 22, 2005

I've been found out!

Late yesterday evening, I received an sms from Tasya:

'Ma! Ya Allah, mama pun ada blog?? Terkejut Asya, ha, ha, ha..Papa tau ke ni??.. '

and my prompt reply was:

'Papa tak boleh tau ke? It's not like as if I'm having an affair, is it? Tasya first to read my blog! No, I'm not gay!...'

Bila agaknya Dillot akan discover my blog?!#%^&*?? .......

No worries, mate! we'll just treat it as pages from a diary. and as what Bridget Jones said at the end of the movie: 'Diaries are, as you know, full of crap!!!'..........


Anonymous said...

'Diaries are, as you know, full of crap!!!'..........

hehe..betul tu..
salam kenalan mama irma, datang sini dpt blog member..
nak tanya, camne leh sms dr oversea?

mama irma said...

jems, memang boleh lah! my Tasya sends sms all the time to keep in touch from London.