Saturday, September 24, 2005

SPM Candidate, 2006

My elder son, Ikram, walked into my room and asked everybody to be quiet as he has an important meeting with mama. He brought a long list with him and told me that he has to decide on the subjects to take for his SPM next year.

SPM??? I broke into cold sweat., not so soon....I mean Ikram just sat for his PMR last year. I have not recovered from the stress yet. We are talking about a dude who questioned my obsessions with the mandatory A's that he has to show me in his exam slip.

Ikram: well mama, if you know I'm good, then I'm good, even if I get 8Bs in my PMR.
mama: kepala hotak hang!!!!

One day while fetching him from a tae-kwon-do class, he suggested that he doesn't have to sit for all his science subjects, it's easier if he concentrates and become a tae-kwon-do instructor instead!
mama: kalau hang nak jadi kaki pukui, might as well I send you to a Tamil school from the beginning! tak payah habiskan duit pergi Sri Bestari!!!
Ikram: mama, can't you take it with humour?
mama: no humour when 2 issues are involved, 1) your education 2)my money!

Now Ikram told me that he can sign up for a total of 104 subjects for his SPM next year.
mama: so, you want to take 103 subjects?
Ikram: what subject do you want me to drop, then?
mama: I don't know, may be Bahasa Tamil??
Ikram: Oh, no! mama, I'm so looking forward to ace that subject!!!!

He must have gotten his gene from somewhere...sounds familiar...

After a lenghty EGM, I agreed to Ikram sitting for 12 subjects. Besides the normal science package, he is signing up for additional papers for ESL, Tassaur Islam and prinsip Akaun. While filling up the form to be submitted together with the fees, he shot a last question:

'Are you sure you don't want me to sign up for "penjagaan muka dan rambut", or "membaikpulih basikal"?????

mama:....Ikram!!!!!!!!##%%$$^&*!! Jaga muka hang dulu, pi shave!!!You are beginning to look like Shih Huang Ti!!!!
Ikram: Who is this dude, Shih Huang Ti??
mama: He's my great, great, great grandfather!!!!

My blood pressure must have registered 180:90, long before the exam season starts.....


Anonymous said...

adoi....gelak sampai sakit perut baca mama-irma punya story hari ni hihihi

Anonymous said...

ur son has got a sense of humour. lady killer in the making. woo hoo!!

Anonymous said...

I like your Ikram, I have a doter of the same age, my Angah. She said she wanted to sign for 13 subjects next year. Cita2 nak jadi doktor, but wonder if it is possible. I have no confident really. But she is very good in ururt so we always tease her that she will become bomoh urut instead of a doctor.

Sounds like you are from the North, are you?

mama irma said...

I am from N.Sembilan and very much married to a Penang guy. Dah very much assimilated with the loghat sebab selalu dengar leteran mum-in-law!!!