Friday, September 16, 2005

Tasya, buah hati pengarang jantung?!?

Yesterday, my daughter tasya sent an sms:'mama, are you free, can you call me?'..She is currently in UK studying for her Masters in Engineering at a very prestigious College. We are soooo proud of her! I graduated from a local university when she was 25 days old, and determined that she is going to achieve better things in life as compared to mine!

Back to the call, I, as usual, instantly dialled her number.

mama: Tasy, what's up?
Tasy: mama, what are you doing? what time is it?
mama: It's 3.30pm, I've just woken up from my afternoon slumber. Ponteng from office, Papa baru habis 3days conference, dia take a break,so, mama nak break jugak! How's your thesis?
Tasy: Oh, OK, dah siap, week dah nak hantar, I'll be staying until December, dah tak sabar nak balik m'sia. mama, ma ingat tak kawan tasy yang nama A*** tu? alah yang mama kata cantik macam TV3 newsreader tu? Dia dah nak kawin!!!!! Pastu the thing is, mama, dengar betul2 no interruption: emak dia nak meminang tasy untuk abang dia, okey!!!! abang dia very succesful exec, drive BMW, very single but 30 years old! emak dia kenan sangat kat tasy, nak tunggu tasy habis belajar!
mama: eeii, what makes mama kenan kat anak dia? Tak nak lah tasy, dah 30 years old belum kawin2, ntah2 dia gay tak??
Tasy: MAMA!!!! I was thinking of the same thing, macamane mama boleh terfikir macam tu?
mama: mama baca banyak blog budak2 melayu M'sia sekarang, ramai yang gay!
Tasy: Ya Rabbi!!! sejak bila mama baca blog???? ha, ha,ha........

There you are. Reading other peoples' blog can be so useful...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fuh! tasya, nice name. natasya ke? bt.jamil? if yes, then dang it, my long lost friend.