Monday, January 09, 2006

Mycocyte Invasion.

Last 2 weeks, papa was complaining about the rashes which suddenly appeared at his lower back. It's itchy and annoying, he said, so, off he went to see Dr. Koo, our family physician.

Dr. Koo diagnosed the symptom as allergy and prescribed some anti-allergy tablets and a cream. After 3 days, the rashes became worse and spread to his upper back, and they appeared in bigger red dots all over (orang tanjung kata lagu kelopak garam). Papa made another trip to the doc and he tried anti fungus treatment instead.
But unfortunately, the rashes spread further to his shoulder and chest. Wah!! this has become too much! Papa scratched and scratched while sleeping and the bed shook throughout the night until I nearly got motion sickness! Fancy I never felt the motion sickness, while on the bed, when I was younger!:)..

So off papa went to confront Dr.Koo for the 3rd time in 2 weeks! Dr.Koo asked papa if we keep pets at home? Just incase he got the fungus from the pet, the source of infection need to be treated in order to eliminate papa's rashes completely. Papa came home and inform me that his rashes are courtesy of my cats!

mama: What? The cats has been in my arms, on my cheeks, and has been sleeping with me for the past 3 years, I ain't got no fungus! You can attest to that!
papa: Ya, perhaps they didn't have fungus before, but they do now! Why don't you get them checked?

I made appointment with the vet under protest, not before I marched into Dr.Koo's clinic!

mama: Why MUST you accused my cats?
Dr.Koo: OOoops, sorry, did I touch raw nerves? I could not eliminate the possibility, just incase..
mama: there are 10001 'just incases' that you could quote, eg. incase papa used new soap, new detergent on the laundry, towel washed not too clean, gatal food...err, why do you even overrule measle?
Dr.Koo: *squint* *squeeze forehead**think harder*.....No, cannot be, he is too old for measle!!

So, off we went to the vet..The children were so nervous that Furry peed in the cage and Priyanka shiverred so much until her carrier shook.
Tu lah papa, ni semua sebab you gatai!

The moment we entered the vet's clinic, papa sneezed and coughed, so, he stayed outside, and I was left struggling with the kiddos in the consultation room while the Dr. ran a thorough check on them..

Lo and behold, she found bald patches on both Furry and Priyanka and told me that it could be caused by any 2 types of fungus called ***** and *****.
mama: never mind what the fungus is christianed as,I'm not going to sit for an exam, just treat them!..

I quickly glanced at papa outside, hopefully he won't find out that my protest was over nothing..
I saw him having a very interesting conversation with a lady. I bet he forgot about me and my fungied kids in the clinic.

After the treatment, I signalled for papa to help carry the carriers to the car.
papa: so what did the vet said?
mama: alah, they just have ACNE!...(macam takde ape hal...)

mama: Amboi, bukan main lagi you berborak outside! You bukan boleh jumpa orang yang ada telinga mesti nak cerita yang bukan2, ntah2 cerita pasal MAS dah nak bankrupt, or, how unsafe AirAsia aircrafts are!
papa: Tak lah, mama. That lady asked me about the collapsed building in Makkah, it's so interesting, even a non-muslim is aware of the goings on during Haj season!
OOoh, by the way, she asked if you were ONCE a beauty queen?!

mama: Hah??..Apalagi, apalagi dia kata?????!!!!????....:))
papa: ntah, I bukan suka sangat cerita yang bukan2......


Anonymous said...

beauty queen? waaaaaahhhhh

kat sini jenuh la kalau kena poison ivy, i pulak suka walking/rambling

mama irma ni org tanjung ka?

mama irma said...

atn, Nana saya asai nya orang tanjung...

Anonymous said...

ish ish ish, cerita yang bukan-bukan pulak!! Tell us more!